Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Guilty pleasures January 1, 2007

2006 was a bust, it came in and rang out just like 2005 and the in between hmmm
The few highlights:

Out of no where it seems I turned 30 and it feels good.

Met my half brother Eric! Found out I'm an aunty, no more a sibling less creature, I got family now!

Found paradise in Bermuda and Grand Turk Island. Can see the white stillness of Grand turk, foamy waves, and oh yes, yes, yes!!! FRUITINIS!!!!!

Reconnected with my father only to soon disconnect but the brief period of father- daughter bonding makes the whole daddy thing feel like it can be good

Thoroughly enjoyed every MTV reality show, from Laguna to sweet sixteen, though my 30 year old ass is to old to be loving the angst of privileged white tweens...

Discovered Perez Hilton, unlimited access to britney, lindsay, and paris's coochies!

Met 2 guys I thought I could let into my life and eventually, well didn't happen. After 4 years single dom I realize I'm a bit crazy now but men haven't changed, only come in smoother packages. Yet through it all I was able to walk away after having been crushed only 2 times and lapsing 2 times, but I continued walking. Feels good to let go, not demonize the person, just to realize they weren't right for you and move on. Sounds very mature but they both were really assholes. So over assholes.

Finally put all the pieces in place to start school!

Started my book, didn't finish it, took a 4 month break but I started it!

Had the perfect day with my little cousin, getting manicures, shopping, seeing the Ballad of Ricky Bobby and snorting, spitting, and farting with laughter in the theater.

Drew on a thimble full of strength somewhere deep within this hungry thirsty flesh to shakily say no to lust and walk away proud despite my libido cursing me.

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