Tuesday, October 9, 2007

mature viewing wanted

Strolling down Court street last week, it was one of those golden days of summer the ones that make you sad because the season is ending. The kind of day where you just walk, window shop, and slurp a chai frappuccino while holding hands with the guy you are later going to have sweaty lust laden sex with in an un air conditioned 5th floor walk up. Lovely day and Court street was buzzing with movie trailers and skinny white girls in black with head pieces and clip boards. I was excited, a movie was being filmed, hoping to possibly see Brad Pitt or Gorge Clooney, like some dopey groupie I chased one of those skinny chics in black to find out what movie was being shot. She was sweet, hurried but really nice and answered all of my questions despite taking huge steps in an effort to lose me. It wasn't a movie but a TV show called Gossip Girl being filmed and no I couldn't be an extra (yes I asked).
Never heard of Gossip Girl and it sounded very teen-ish, after my Laguna obsession 2 years ago I hoped to move on to more mature TV viewing. Ha! Monday night I was anxiously waiting for the Hills preview. Shows like the Hills and my soon to be new addiction, Gossip Girl, I peeked the preview and looks like scandalous candy, are my secret shame. A 31 year old woman enjoying teen shows. What is it! A reliving of my youth? hardly my youthful self was never that well dressed or glamorous and you would have faster found me in a library than a club. More like a yearning for that rich fun lifestyle where the biggest problem is whether your going to get a BMW or Mercedes for Christmas. After working 50- 60 hour weeks and attending grad school, I feel like a wrung out dish rag, I haven't worn lipstick all summer. I don't have the energy to get dressed up for night of dancing and flirting but I sure do enjoy watching LC hit the club scene in trendy clothes from the comfort of my couch. Frankly, these teen shows are like cotton candy to me, fluffy, pink, and mindless munching for my tired and overworked nerdy ass. I can't wait to put Gossip Girl on my TiVo.

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